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Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Suguna Purushottaman, Shyama Sastri Day - Saraswati Vaggeyakkara Trust & NGS

Suguna Purushottaman - Usha Rajagopalan - Ganapathiraman

Shyama Sastri Day
Saraswathi Vaggeyakkara Trust & Narada Gana Sabha
NGS Mini Hall.

dayAnidhE - bEgaDa - Adi (varNam)
dEvi brOva samayamidE - cintAmaNi - Adi
nannu brOvu lalitA - lalitA - vilOma cApu (RS)
sari yevvarammA - bhairavi - kaNDa jhampa (2 kaLai)
rAvE parvata rAjakumAri - kalyANi - misra jhampai (RNS)
taruNam IdammA - gauLipantu - Adi
O jagadambA - Ananda bhairavi - Adi (R)
sarOja daLa nEtri - shankarAbaraNam - Adi
durusugA - sAvEri - Adi (RNST)
brOvavammA - mAnji - misra cApu
pAlincu kAmAkshi - madhyamAvati - Adi

It was a truly amazing concert to listen. The cintAmaNi, bhairavi and shankarAbaraNam pieces were rendered with all their caraNams. It was fun to listen to usually main-ed kritis as fillers and as a mangaLam. One couldnt also find a concert with so many sets of allied ragams handled in the same programme.

The bEgaDa varNam was rendered in a brilliant kAla pramANam making an awesome start to the concert.. The cintAmaNi was excellent. AlApanai of lalita and svaras to the sAhityam 'lalitA' for the kriti were all superb. The bhairavi piece stood out and made a lasting impact and listening to all the caraNams fully was a treat compared to the jumble that is usually rendered. The kalyANi piece, a rare number, was rendered well with neraval and svarams at 'mInalOcani karuNajUDavammA'. The Anandabhairavi AlApanai was quite elaborate and indicative of a main piece. However, it turned out to be otherwise. The main sAvEri was rendered very well with neraval and svarams at 'nArAyaNi shyAmakrishNanuta...' For all the pieces, svarams were rendered to various points of sAhityam (and hence eDuppu) in the line in which svarams were sung. It was all perfect and one dint feel like hearing allied ragams till one got to writing down the list and a writeup.

The violinist was her good old usual self following the main artist. The mridangist played with good anticipation, his tani culminating to 'shyAmakrishNanutE', (which was where the kOrvai of the final vocalist ended) was crisp and good.

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Blogger R.Saravanan said...

Dear Bharath,

Looks like a very good concert with rare songs and by a seasoned artist who always is a treat to hear.

No wonder you enjoyed the concert.

Enjoyed reading your other posts.Good work.

Keep it going.


12:07 PM  
Blogger sury siva said...

While searching for kritis of Mysore Vasudevacharya i landed in your blog. Quite interesting indeed.
By the way, have u come across with any work translating Mysore Vasudevacharya's kritis in either english or in Tamil.
Suryanarayanan S

8:24 AM  

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